Psalm 127:33

"...Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing..."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I was reading in my devotional today about God's abundance. Psalm 4:7: "I have God's more-than-enough, more joy in one ordinary day than they get in all their shopping sprees". Even before I read this I was feeling so thankful (counting my blessings-lol:). I've been able to help the neighbor each morning with wound care and am thankful I'm able to help the family. I am thankful I made it through grocery shopping and now have fully stocked cupboards. I am thankful for a napping baby! This reminds me of something funny Logan said yesterday. Yesterday we went to the Pike Fair and the kids wanted to ride the rides. It was the day before payday and we did not have a lot of extra money. Just one ride for Logan and Grace cost $8, plus they wanted fair food which is around $5 depending on what you get. So I told Logan that they could ride on 1 ride and get 1 treat and no more because we don't have a lot of money just before payday. We had a fun time and they did fine with only 1 ride and 1 treat. When we were tucking the kids in later that night Logan was upset (mostly from being overtired) about his first loose tooth. He started to cry and I tried to be positive about loosing his first tooth telling him that the tooth fairy will come and give him money. Logan thought about this and then asked me, "Will the tooth fairy come even though we're poor?" I assured him that the tooth fairy would come and we were not that poor, although we're not rich either. It's so hard not to laugh at some of the things my children come up with. Logan has been stopping me in my tracks with some things he says. Recently I asked him how he was doing and he said "marvelous". He thinks so deeply about things.

Monday, May 9, 2011

It has been quite the year so far and its only May. My brother, Mike, and niece, Claudia came to live with us from January to March, which was quite the experience. Then "Aunt" Lis came home from Japan and was here for April- she is now in Missouri doing an internship, so its back to just our family again. The house seems so calm now, which is good perspective with 3 children! The kids have been sick a lot on and off this year, so I am extra happy to see spring arriving. Yesterday was mother's day, a beautiful sunny day that I was able to enjoy, relax, dinner with family, and even a good nap- whcih has become a rare thing. Andy and his brothers completely re-made the garden in front of the house and finished it in time for mother's day- I love it! We also got a new zero turn mower this past week- which I also love. We've struggled along on a very old mower for the past 4 years, which was worth it, but hopefull it will no longer take almost 3 hours to mow each week.
My little baby is not really a baby anymore, he's now 1 year old. I still feel like he is my baby, but when he is around babies I see how big he is. He is walking when holding onto things, -not on his own yet. He says mama, dada, and ball. He is full of smiles and quickly gives them to anyone. I love that about him.
Grace turned 4 recently and she is very proud of her age. She got her ears pierced on her birthday and did great- such a big milestone. She loves school. My favority Gracie saysings are- when I ask her to do something she says, "yes Your Majesty" and "yes mother dearest". She loves all things princess, always wearing dresses. She likes to help cook and clean- pretending she is Cinderella and singing while she works. She shares a room with Logan right now and they get along very well.
Logan is 6 years old now- hard to believe. He is so loving, always quick to give a snuggle or kiss. He has given his teachers a little bit of a hard time this year, but they are handling him well, He gets distracted easily- which he definitely gets from his dad!! Hopefully Logan will grow out of his, lol. Logan loves to investigate how things work. He loves doing crafts. He is reading now and doing a great job. He is also writing his own sentences- which are fun to decipher. Kindergarten will be rapping up soon and next year he will be in first grade- Grace will be in pre-k every day- that will be a busy year!
I am hoping to go on vacation this year. Last year we went camping, but its just not the same as a real vacation. Andy and my 12th anniversary is coming up in a few weeks, so I'm trying to come up with ideas for that as well. Fun times:) Andy was looking into going to police academy this year but it didnt work out. I am relieved, but disappointed for Andy- we'll continue praying to see what is the next step for Andy's career. My career continues nights/weekends at VNS and I pray that continues throughout these years before the kids enter school so I can be home with them. I'm interested in seeing how the next few years go as the kids get older, what my and Andy's jobs will bring, how the kids will do, what other things I'll be doing as well. I've been doing more catering- will that end up being a career field, any massage work, parish nursing? We'll see....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New phase of life

My children fill my life with so much joy and just as much work. I always say it's good that they do such cute things to make up for all the work. Just when I thought my plate was completely full, we now have my brother and niece living with us. My sister-in-law left, leaving my niece with my brother. He works 6 out of 7 days a week, long hours, and needs help caring for my niece. They have been living with us for a month now and we're starting to settle into a routine.
As I'm writing Logan and Grace came out and Logan's excuse for getting out of bed is: "My throat is dried up like I haven't had water in two days!"
-My little Evan baby is growing up way to quick. He is 10 months old and in a month and a half he will be one year old! He now has two teeth, he crawls everywhere. I spend much time chasing him- he thinks its a fun game to crawl to the woodstove, giving my heart attacks. He has had a cold for over a month now and it breaks my heart to see him stuffy and hard for him to nurse. Even through his cold, he is still good natured. He is full of smiles. Today at the grocery store we constantly had people come up to us and comment about how cute and smiley Evan is.
-Grace is still my beautiful princess, in every sense of the word. She loves her dresses (although she still likes to wear nothing if we let her- hard to keep clothes on her). Grace loves to get all dressed up and prance around asking people how she looks. Logan is very good with her and always tells her how beautiful she is (he is going to make a great husband some day- just like his dad;). Grace's favorite thing is dance class and she is soooo cute with dancing- I love that. She also loves school! She has nursery school 2 hrs 2x/wk. Her recent report card had all excellents, including that she knows her shapes, numbers, letters, and colors. Grace is doing very well starting to write also. We spend quite a bit of time together while Logan and Claudia are at school- I adore how loving she is- always saying, "Mommy, do you know I love you". I get at least a hundred "I love you"s and kisses each day. LOVE IT!
- Logan is such a little man and quite a deep thinker. I love the questions that he comes up with. He is very smart and does well with his academics. He is very kind with his sister and cousin- always ready to compliment them when they are looking for that. He is starting to take some chances, with the help of his cousin helping him be a little braver. Logan likes to wear sweaters and his footie PJs because they are for snuggling, we call them his "snuggle sweater" or "snuggle jamies". Logan is making progress with learning to read and write. He has been doing Karate for several months now and passed his first test, earning himself stripes for his white belt. We just signed up for year 2 of soccer this spring/summer.
- Andy is going back to school, to police academy. I am glad for him, although I am scared about the amount of work it will add to both our lives.
That's all for now.....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


What is my purpose in life?... I've wondered this many times before, as I'm sure many people have. For me there is not just one answer to this question. I do know that I want to use all that I am to share God's love. God has given me gifts and talents in my life. I am blessed to be able to help people as a Registered Nurse as well as being a Licensed Massage Therapist. I serve at Living Waters Church doing announcements, refreshments, ministry team, and sunday school teacher. I enjoy creating artistic desserts and food. These things and everything that I do and am have been given to me by my Creator. I live to glorify Him.

One part of my purpose in life has to do with three little gifts given to me by my heavenly Father- my children- and raising them (Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go...). This is so challenging and rewarding. I am constantly busy and trying to find the right balance!

Logan is almost done with his stepping stones program and then will start Kindergarten. He has the same teacher for both and has been riding the bus. I was so anxious about this starting and very emotional. The first day of school the bus was running late so I called and was told that it had a problem but was resolved and was just running late, but would be coming. It was suppose to be there at 8:30am and finally showed up at 10am. It had forgot Logan and had to come back out to pick him up. I was already emotional and this sent me over. I sent Logan back into the house at one point so I could cry! He was just fine though and actually loved riding on the bus by himself. He has mentioned more than once that he would like to go back to riding the bus by himself. He has made some friends in his class and it's fun to hear his stories. He was at one girl's birthday party and after they were in a huddle, Logan said that they were taking a vow of friendship and then they hugged. Today Logan came home from school and I asked him how it was and he said, "wonderful". The things he says sometimes makes me stop in my tracks. I wish I could remember each one and record it so I'll never forget. He is always asking for chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, I call it our ongoing pancake saga. Recently we didn't have time for pancakes so I asked him what else he wanted for breakfast and he said, "Are you thinking what I am?" I love that response. Turns out he wanted to make a necklace of Cheerios for breakfast. I definitely would not have been able to guess that one.

Grace has always been a girly-girl. She loves to dress up and play mommy. This weekend she was wearing a dress of mine and walking around in my high heels. She is a great big sister to Evan, doting on him and making funny faces to make him laugh. She adores her big brother Logan and wants to play with him all the time. She is adjusting to him being at school each day. Unfortunately for me-her adjusting involves testing her boundaries at home. I think she's learning though. She starts nursery school in two weeks and she is so excited. We were at the pool and I heard her telling two little boys that she is 3 years old (holding up 3 fingers for emphasis). They asked her "what grade are you". She says, "I'm in kindergarten"- I had to remind her that she is not in kindergarten- just Logan is. When we left the pool she said, "I miss my boys". My little social butterfly:) At naptime today she said, "Ok Honey (talking to me), I am going to read you a story then you go right to sleep!" (sounds good to me)
Evan is changing constantly. He even looks different from moment to moment. He's growing out of the newborn phase. He's bouncing in his jumperoo like a pro. He's staying awake for longer periods during the day. This week he rolled over- both from tummy to back and back to tummy. And he ate rice cereal for the first time. He turns 5 months old in two days. He's in a short napping phase- which tires both of us out. But he will still take longer naps when I'm holding him (then I get to nap too). Now I just need him to start sleeping through the night.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Getting Started

My number one priority in life is GOD. My life and all that I am is His. He has blessed me with a wonderful family that I am thankful daily for. I am blessed to be able to stay at home with my children and have been wanting to record some things about these little blessings. My children are constantly saying and doing super cute things that I wanted to have in writing.
Logan is 5 years old and will be starting Kindergarten this year. I cried when he went to preschool, so we'll see how kindergarten goes. The thing I am the most nervous about, is him riding the bus. Logan is an energetic boy- which gets him into trouble at times;) He is also inventive and so full of love. At least daily Logan comes up with an invention, he draws pictures and creates his 'inventions'. He drew a picture of a car that you pedal with your hands and feet, then made one out of a box. Logan is learning how to read and I am so proud when I hear him read new words. Something cute that Logan did recently was he kissed his hand- he didn't blow the kiss like he usually does, but instead rubbed his hands together. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I'm washing my hands in love!"
Grace is 3 years old and is all girl! She loves to dress up, play princesses, and being a little mama. I don't think there is any way around it, Grace is spoiled;) -not to the point of being rude, but being the only girl she has more dresses and shoes than I can count. Grandma has her well stocked in Barbie everything- Barbie Jeep, Barbie Castle, etc. Grace starts nursery school this year, she did a playgroup at the nursery school this past school year with the same teacher and had a great time.
Evan is our newest addition at 3 months old. He is such a good baby:) I love to snuggle him, so little and cuddly- it's therapeutic! I just thought of a new service there could be- 'are you having a hard day?- just snuggle this baby and your day will instantly feel better!' Evan is getting big quick. He is in 6-9month clothes, starting to reach for things, bouncing in his jump-a-roo, cooing, and will be rolling over soon. *sigh*
Life with three children is busy, to say the least. But I wouldn't do a thing different.